The Women's Village

Our Providers

'Restore' with Ruby Worthy

(March Pop-Up)

Tura Lura (Sit with Women)

Great Grandmother Ruby introduces the Talking Stone and True Community by creating a women’s Circle Tura Lura (sit with women) in her Palawa (Tasmania – Lutrawita language).

These circles foster sisterhood, wellbeing, creativity, peace, dignity and strength.

A little about me:

Hi my name is Ruby Worthy I am a great Grandmother and the Founder of Ruby Worthy Enterprises with two of my grand-daughters Mikayla Worthy and Britt Gunn.

I am from Tasmania, have lived and worked in ACT now based in Adelaide since 1973. I have worked within Commonwealth, State and Local Government settings over the past 52 years. My career includes many years in the computing industry, and Aboriginal wellbeing and Ninko Kurtaanga Patpanga in SA. I was on the Board of Turkindi for four years in Adelaide and am still connected to the Joining Hands and Minds Task Group SA.

I founded Gondwana College for 9 years in 90s and Earth Medicine Australia 2003-2019.

My new business ‘Ruby Worthy Enterprises; offers a range of services, Consultancy, Retreats, Circles for Women, Journey of the Female Spirit Advance, the Spirit Canoe, Narrative Practice and Psychodynamic Bodywork. It begins with the Tura Lura (Sit with Women) Circle Experience.

My passion now in SA is to work from where I live in the Port Noarlunga Region as a graduate of their Leadership Program in 2010 and support all women in achieving their hopes and dreams through sharing my knowledge, skills, networks and friendship or mentorship.

Heart Country Tasmania project is being developed there over the next two years. This new Business is my last and is part time, formally establishing new Circles in 2020 in SA and Tasmania (Heart Country Project) with other Elders over the next two years and beyond as time permits. You will experience fun, joy, Dadirri meditation and hear testimonial to, my work past present and future.

I look forward to meeting you all.

Much love,

Ruby Worthy Enterprises


'Restore' with Susan Howlett

(March Pop-Up)

Sacred Dance - Energy Balance

In the Sacred Dance ~ Energy Balance we will experience the beauty of movement meditations, energy work and free dance to restore balance, personal connection and calm.  No previous experience is necessary, just a willingness to be curious and explore. Participants need to wear loose, comfortable clothing.

A little about me…

Susan is a fully qualified dance educator, energy healer and counsellor.  Her Sacred Dance workshops provide a safe and supported space for children and adults to explore a range of movement meditations, mindfulness and free dance. The intentions of this experience is to cultivate body awareness, self expression, deeper connection, calm and wellbeing. 

Much love,

Dancing in Balance

'Empower' with Jo Douglas

Know Yourself to Understand Others

(March Pop-Up)

Understand what makes you uniquely you and understand your strengths and stretches

We will be exploring the EDISC behaviour profile which will help you to understand what makes you uniquely you and understand your strengths and stretches.

Once you understand yourself and the different types of behavioural profiles you will begin to understand others and improve your communication and interactions. When I did this the light bulbs went on for me and I accepted myself and understood how I interact with the world and others. 

A little about me…

Helping people to improve their life excites me! 

We don’t know until we know and often knowing some small new thing about you makes a big change. I love seeing someone get the Ahh HA moment and begin to create new beliefs, strategies and pathways to enjoying life.

I work mainly with women helping to remove their self limiting beliefs and helping them to be the best version of themselves whatever that means for them.

Although I enjoy what I do it’s all about the client and what they wish to achieve and I’m there to facilitate.

Much love,

I Now Choose

'Empower' with Mary Lochert

The Organised Pantry

(March Pop-Up)

Experience how to organise an amazing 'Insta-worthy' Pantry

Mary will show you how to organise a gorgeous Insta-worthy, easily maintainable pantry, where you can easily see all of your food at a glance.

She will give professional tips, low cost hacks and teach how to solve tricky shaped pantries.

An organised pantry will calm your mind, encourage creative and healthy cooking and reduce food wastage. 

Participants will take home The Organised Pantry Guide full of professional tips and tricks to help them makeover their own pantry at home.

Mary would like to encourage pantry workshop participants to be brave enough to post a BEFORE PHOTO of their pantry on the Wings of a Woman page. She will use some of the examples to help demonstrate her ‘pantry hacks’, and…..from those who post a photo, a lucky winner will be drawn at random to WIN a Pantry Goodie Bag with a selection of Mary’s favourite pantry storage items.

A little about me…

Mary is an Adelaide-based professional organiser and intentional living coach who helps people clear the clutter, get organised and live more consciously in relation to their stuff.

Much love,

The Intentional Organiser


'Create' with Alice Ragless

DIY Bath and Body Products

(March Pop-Up)

Learn how to make an all a no-tox handwash or bodywash

We will be making replacing products which most women have in their bathrooms, replacing artificial fragrances for more natural alternatives. We will make a foaming handwash or body wash, and a natural deodorant paste for you to try. You will choose your fragrance for the body/hand wash, using essential oils for a customised product.

A little about me…

Wonderland Essentials was born after my introduction to essential oils through a friend. I had been looking for low tox and more natural alternatives to replace medications and household products. Over the last couple of years, this has grown into a small business running DIY low tox workshops and one on one consultations with people in their homes to empower them to make simple switches which improve the health and wellbeing of their family and friends. I am very conscious of the toxic load we place on our bodies, by choice and involuntarily, and am thankful I have options to help reduce and support the body to process modern day life.

Much love,

Wonderland Essentials

'Nourish' with Nandita Dasvarma

Curry in a Hurry

(March Pop-Up)

Learn how to make an authentic, quick and easy vegetarian curry

Come and join me in my “Curry in a Hurry” experience and together we will cook a delicious vegetable curry, fried rice and apple chutney by using a few homemade spices and fresh ingredients. 

Many people think Indian cooking requires lots of spices. But this is not necessarily true. One can cook a yummy Indian dish with only a few spices. 

I love to use fresh Ingredients and homemade spices and I will share with you some tricks to cook delicious but simple Indian food. 

You will take home some homemade spices and a few recipes to try. 

Most of all, I want you to have fun in this “hands-on” cooking session and try some delicious Indian food.

A little about me…

Cooking is my passion. I love to try new recipes from different cuisines and often improvise to make them simple, and easy to follow without hampering the taste. 

A little about me: I am Indian by birth and upbringing, but now I call Australia my home.

My passion for cooking comes from years of experience, augmented by formal training in Food Technology and teaching Home Economics at several high schools in Adelaide I have always wanted to disseminate my knowledge of cooking in the community.

After retiring from teaching in March 2016, I approached the Woodcroft Community Centre, where I started my first Community cooking class in early 2017. I have since conducted cooking classes at Reynella Neighbourhood House and Aberfoyle Hub Community Centre and a cooking demonstration at the Mela (Annual Fair) organised by  the Indian Australian Association of South Australia on 28 February 2020.

Much love,
